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Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Heckuva Job, Fristie!

Dear Senator Frist,

I heard you on TV last weekend, declaring that flag burning and gay marriage were two of the most important issues facing the American people.

I wanted to write to you and say how glad I am to hear that you have solved the really pressing problems that America confronts today.

However, I am very disappointed that the liberal news media chose not to cover the fact that you have balanced our trillion-dollar deficit, revived the tanking stock market, reversed the export of all of our good jobs, and subdued the inflation that has been lately been creeping upon our economy.

I'm disappointed that the liberal media ignored your solution to out-of-control fuel and utilities prices; and more so that none of the companies that deliver those commodities seem to know about your solution, either.

I'm also very disappointed that your solution for the 46 million Americans who cannot afford health insurance has not been acknowledged or acclaimed.

It's good to know that the troops remaining in Iraq and Afghanistan will have adequate armor, and that they will no longer have to pay for their own uniforms. It's good to know that they will return soon from their president's war of choice; and that those who are wounded or traumatized by what they have seen will receive the medical and psychiatric treatment they will need.

And it's good to know that you've finally stopped the secret police reading my email and listening to my telephone conversations.

I'm thrilled that the Congress has reasserted its Executive oversight role, and that we once again have a Government of the People, where the President must act within the law. I'm glad to know that we are so free, and that our government is so trustworthy that we can now discard the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the US Constitution.

I'll get over my dismay that you didn't receive proper credit for attending to the many daunting challenges that our country faces. What I'll never be able reconcile though, is how you can minister so zealously to the evil passions of the most fearful and ignorant among us, while expecting the more thoughtful among us to believe that you actually care about our country and Promoting its General Welfare, and yet, you still are able to walk so proudly by day and sleep so soundly at night.

Heckuva job, Fristie!


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